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Become A DSS Games Retailer
Please complete the form below and we will get back to you soon! If you are having problems submitting your application, email us directly at

Our Minimum Advertised Price Policy (MAPP) is in place to protect the investment DSS Games and all of our partners make to uphold an extraordinary customer experience with our products and within our retail distribution channels.
DSS Games reserves the right to offer promotional windows in accordance with our policy, for the benefit of all retailers carrying DSS Games products. Please review the full MAPP here.

Retail Sales Agreement
This document outlines our shared rights in our new relationship as partners. It outlines your right to sell our products in your physical stores. If you would also like to sell online on your own domain (i.e., you will need written permission from us, which we are happy to consider.
There is also an Anti-Diversion policy for all of our protection, which has a strict prohibition on selling our goods outside of these environments, including on any marketplace sites (i.e.,, & the like), unless we give you written permission to do so, which is unlikely to occur.
Please note, there are significant financial penalties for violations of this policy.
For any further assistance, please contact